I was sitting on the swing in the park today evening and asked my mom to push me and then we started talking about our usual routine. Then all of a sudden, my mom asked me a question for our next blog and that’s what do I forget usually? As though, she doesn’t know. I keep forgetting my water bottle after my gymnastics class. I keep forgetting to change into my day shoes after my dance class.

This has set me into thinking as to why would we forget certain things. If you observe my granddad, he would forget where his glasses are. Also, he would forget where he kept the remote of the television. At times, he would also forget to take his medicines. So we need to remind him.

You know one day, my dad forgot to take his mobile to the office also, so we returned back home to collect the mobile and I became late to school that day. My mom forgets watering plants or at times she forgets that cats are waiting outside for food.

WOW: Write About Something You Frequently Forget

Do you know why this happens? So I asked my mom the reasons for the same, she told me that when I am thinking of moving to an exciting task, I tend to forget what is there with me at this moment of time.

I think it applies well to me, as after finishing my classes, I and my friends would keep chasing each other and playing a lot and when parents force us to get on to the scooters, we climb them and rush towards home. In this whole process of rushing by our parent’s, we forget that we had to get our water bottle or change our dancing shoes. So who is the culprits here? Our parents or us. Obviously, my mom blames me that I am becoming forgetful, but she needs to remember also right? Why she didn’t remind me?

Forgetful boy, shravmusingswrites, BlogAdda
Picture Credit: Google

Do you think the same logic applies for elders too? Or is there a different reason as to why they would forget. Am not really sure. Can you guys help me out to find out the reasons for forgetting? But what I had observed is that my brother (in case you don’t know my Johnny, the dog in our house) won’t forget even a single thing. He would wait and keep on barking until he gets his share of Amul butter or his treats at the correct time. Same goes with the cats too. I wonder why they won’t forget stuff.

Who is most forgetful in your house? Currently its me in my house, as I keep asking my mom where is my pencil, where is my watch. If I ask multiple times, my mom asks me am I your assistant? Guys, tell me, how can mom be an assistant. Since she is a mom, she knows better where I leave my things, I ask her help. Why my mom doesn’t understand this? Can you please tell her.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by Blog Adda 

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