My Granny replied to me saying that this person’s name is Shadow and he is the only one friend who follows us every time where ever we go and he would advise/scold us based on our actions. Then I asked her why I didn’t observe this guy till date? Why is he coming along with me only now. My Granny told me that now that I am 6 years wise boy, I am able to observe this Shadow and earlier I was a small kid and that’s why I couldn’t observe him. So the thinking wheels in my mind started turning round and round. But I went to Park with my granny and played till dark and came home.
Next day morning, I observed the shadow of our car and my brother (Johnny) was resting in that shadow. Then I got a doubt as to how come Car has a shadow also? Does Car also need friends who can guide him? Should we call the Car as He or She? So I ran to my Dad and asked him those questions again. He told me that everybody will have a shadow and that will come because of the light reflections. This got me thinking again. OK, so I started observing shadows all through the day during various times. I observed that shadows are not being seen in the house and seen only outside. Some times the shadows are longer and spooky. Some times they are shorter and funny. So I thought its time for me to quiz my Mommy and get all the answers for me.
Picture Courtesy: DeviantArt
My mommy explained me about the shadows just like my dad, but with figures. But I really wonder why these adults can’t tell things in a simpler way. I am trying out new experiments now to see whether a shadow can talk and if yes what language does it talk? Why the shadow lengths vary during the day and what will happen to shadow when we sleep or in the afternoons? Where will this shadow go? So please stay tuned to find out about the results of my experiments. I think I can use some help here for these experiments. Care to join me for the same?