It’s that time of the year…

It’s that time of the year, where everyone keeps talking about a lot of celebrations and festivals. Its that time of the year, where we remember our father of the Nation in the first week. Yes, its Ocotber and we do remember our Gandhiji in the first week. How...

My Love Hate Relationship with Rains

Now that Monsoons have started in Chennai, my relationship with rains have gone again to another level. Every season, my relationship with rains would change. I hate summer rains, I like monsoon rains, I hate winter rains and spring rains are the best!! Wonderign why...

Outside My Window

My Mom was talking about a new term, which I haven’t heard till date constantly with her blogger friends. That term is called #BlogHop. So I asked my mom as to what she is talking over the phone. She explained to me that #BlogHop is similar to the #Blogtrain we...