Why its Closed?

Entire last week, we were practising hard for the upcoming sports day. Our P.T. Anna made us run around the park so many times every day, so that our individual speed in running would increase. Also he made us stand for long time to practise the pyramid formation as...

A big doubt?

It was slowly getting dark, and my mom started lighting oil lamps in front of our house. Seeing the lighted lamp, I remembered this time of last year. It was a similar night, but with rain too and all of a sudden we heard thunderous sounds outside and my brothers (pet...

On a Rainy day…

Now that the rains have started in Chennai, I am here to tell you about a rainy day story that happened long time back. Long time means please don’t think that its very long time back, but this is the story happened when I was in kindergarten so that means its...

Drawing and a Dream

I had an amazing dream yesterday, so I was all smiles when I woke up today morning. Also I got up on my own you know? So my granny asked me in her usual sign language as to how come I got up on my own that too in a pleasant mood. Wondering what happened to my granny?...