Obedient Boy, #A to Z Challenge, #BlogChatterA2Z #AtoZ2019, Indian Mythology, shravmusingswrites
P – day

Welcome to the 16th day of the #AtoZ Challenge. Here I come again, with another story of a small boy of nearly my age this time. By now, you would have guessed it right? It’s none other than Prahlada – the most obedient boy in Indian Mythology.

My granddad always tells me this story during my nap time in the afternoon when I was really small. At that time, Govinda used to come and take me to dream world daily? I hope you guys remember those stories of mine. So my granddad tells me that I have to keep up my friendship with Govinda intact all the time, I need to be more like Prahlada. Wondering how? Check the details below:

Appearence of Prahlada in Indian Mythology:

Prahlada’s mom (Leelavati) is a very devoted lady and she used to sing always Govinda bhajans and songs during her free time. She tends to read only books about various gods and goddesses instead of other literature. So the sage Narada who is an ardent devotee of Vishnu used to like Leelavati a lot. He always visits Leelavati frequently and teaches her new songs on Lord Vishnu.

Prahlada, Obedient Boy, Indian Mythology, #BlogchatterA2Z, #AtoZ Challenge, #AtoZ2019, shravmusingswrites

But Prahlada’s dad is not at all happy with this puja’s and devotion. He thinks these are all waste of time. But he knows that there is no point in telling her, as she wouldn’t listen. He is used to treating Vishnu as his enemy and one of his reasons for this treatment is that Leelavati not listening to his words and stopping Vishnu puja.

After the boy Prahlada was born, he too learned the same devotion and obedience from his mother. So as a dad, Hirnyakasipa didn’t like this and sent Prahlada to school to learn about something new other than Vishnu. So, Prahlada obediently went to school, but there too, he spread his devotion and dedication to Vishnu to others.

Obedient boy – Prahlada

Seeing this, Prahlada’s dad got very angry and asked his people to punish Prahlada so severely, that all his devotion and dedication would run off. Prahlada was made to go into the valley filled with snakes, fire and made to stand in front of huge elephants who are running wildly. Prahlada never argued with his dad or his dad’s people, but being an obedient son, he went through all those tests. In all these tests, he came out victorious and nothing happened to him, as Lord Vishnu has helped him as a good friend in all these tests.

Prahlada, Obedient Boy, Indian Mythology, #BlogchatterA2Z, #AtoZ Challenge, #AtoZ2019, shravmusingswrites

So Prahlada’s father got very tired off this boy and asked him to show where his so-called Vishnu is so that he can try and kill Vishnu himself. Then Vishnu would come out of the pole and kill Hirnyakasipa. Then Prahlada would rule his kingdom peacefully and all his people would become devotees of Lord Vishnu.

Lesson’s I learnt from this story:

  • When we are praying to the god, we should forget about all our surroundings
  • We need to be dedicated to our work, parents, and God.
  • We should obey our parents all the time.
Indian Mythology, Shravmusings, #BlogchatterA2Z, #AtoZChallenge
Shravmusings – Indian Mythology Series
#A to Z Challenge, #shravmusingswrites, #BlogChatterA2Z
A to Z Challenge

So this my story with letter P friends for the #A to Z Challenge. Hope you like it. Meet you tomorrow with another letter and another interesting story. Till then, ciao. In case, you want to refer to my earlier articles in this Indian Mythology series click here.