My Mom was talking about a new term, which I haven’t heard till date constantly with her blogger friends. That term is called #BlogHop. So I asked my mom as to what she is talking over the phone. She explained to me that #BlogHop is similar to the #Blogtrain we did for #XploreBharat some time back. But here every one would be writing on a certain prompt and this month prompt is Outside My Window.

The moment, I heard that word, Outside My Window, two scenes came to my mind. One is my daily morning ritual of gazing out of the window from our library room. I would love to spend an eternity watching the clouds pass by and the shapes these clouds take would be so funny at times. White fluffy clouds passing on a light blue sky so majestic and always makes me wonder where they are all going? In the begining, I used to think that they are going to school and that’s why they are rushing. Now since I am learning about Earth and other planets, I am able to understand little better. But its still an awesome sight you know.

#WordsMatter, #BlogHop, Outside My Window, #shravmusingswrites

The next scene, I remembered was from the train window. When we travel to Rajahmundry through Circar Express, the train runs through the East Godavari district before reaching Rajahmundry and we get to see clean green paddy fields with small small canals of Godavari running in between them.

#WordsMatter, #BlogHop, Outside My Window, #shravmusingswrites

At times, when I am lucky, the train stops for a signal and I get to see them to heart’s content. I always ask my mom as to whether I can get down the fields and play there. But my mom says it would be all slushy and I need to grow up little more to play there, as currently I don’t like to walk on slushy roads itself. But won’t you guys agree that its a real beauty to look at for eternity. So in Godavari districts, we do get to see the beautiful green paddy fields Outside My train Window

But we have to get back to our daily life isn’t it? My aunties and friends would be waiting for me in my Montessori house so I have to rush. What about you my dear friends?

#WordsMatter is the monthly blog hop hosted by CorinneShaliniR  and Parul

#WordsMatter, #BlogHop, Outside My Window, #shravmusingswrites
Picture Credit: Pexels

I received this tag from my mommy’s good friend and a dynamic blogger Pragnya Mishra at  LifewithmyPenguin. It’s my pleasure to pass on this tag to my blogging inspiration, Rajalakshmi at Pixelatedtales. There are 47 of us on this Blog Hop and it will be spread over 3 days – 2, 3, 4 August. Do follow the #WordsMatter Blog Hop and prepare to be surprised!