After a long break in the rains, the rains have started back once again in Chennai and I called my friends D & V to come out and play in the rain. It’s so nice to play in the rain isn’t it? The rain would be falling from the top and we would be getting wet but those wet clothes wouldn’t be sticky like the wet sweaty clothes. Infact with the cool water falling from the top, we will get a very pleasant feeling and its better than the normal bath or shower. Also have you guys tried tasting the rain water at any time? It tastes really good and better than any other water. Whenever I try doing it, my mom says that there is a bird which only drinks rain water and I am just like that bird. I don’t understand how that bird survives with out rains during summer. Thats why I always sing “Rain, Rain come again, I want to play and the bird wants to have her water”. We also can convert our umbrellas to boats and have loads of fun. Paper boats is another fun activity, but I don’t know how to make them, so I use my umbrella as the boat. Singing and dancing is better in rains than doing htem on the stage.
But guess what, their mom didn’t allow them outside and told me also not to get wet. “Some might say that it’s wrong” to get wet in the rains. They say that I would get cough and cold if I get wet and there are chances for fever too. I wanted to tell those people that the inconvenience of fever, or cold and cough is very minor when compared to the joy, we get by getting wet in the rain for an hour or more. But being a small kid, I couldnt tell her that as typically elders will get angry if we tell them our views right? SO I just kept quiet and came out and started palying on my own. Then slowly D came out first to play with me and after some more time, V also joined us as she too got bored sitting in the house, while we were having fun outside. All of us had nice fun and enjoyed till the rain got subsided. I wish I have the powers like the rain god to open up the rain taps as and when I get bored. Rain god is so lucky to decide when to send rains and to where and his job is also simpler you see, he needs to just open the tap. I hope to become Rain god one day in future.
Finally after returning back home, I took hot water bath with eucalyptus oil and dettol. Now no germs would come near me. So I wouldn’t get any cold, cough or fever. This is my mantra for enjoying the rains. My mommy was ready with hot tomato soup for me. Lucky me isn’t it? To drink a hot tomato soup after getting drenched in rain is just heavenly. So guys, please step out and have fun in rains, even if “Some might say that it’s wrong” to get wet in rain and is not good for health OK? Please feel free to share your rain stories with me OK, I would love to hear them.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by Blog Adda