Today, I am going to talk about the sacred sound mentioned in Indian Mythology. This sound is everywhere and the entire cosmos starts with the sound. I guess by now, you got to know what is that sound isn’t it? Yes its nothing, but Omkar, pronounced as “OM”.
Introduction to Omkar – the sacred sound:
Omkar was there even before the cosmos has been created by the ultimate divine power. My granddad tells me that, Omkar is the most sacred sound in Indian Mythology and it describes the entire cosmos, its creation, its day to day activities (maintenance) and also the ending part in one single Omkar. That’s why this sound is also called as Pranav
Source: Youtube
Yesterday, we read about the discussions between Nachiketa and the Lord of Death, isn’t it? Lord of Death (Yama) explains the meaning of Omkar to Nachiketa. He also explains that the entire order of universe emanates from the way this Omkar mantra is
My interactions with the Omkar Mantra:
Every thursday, when the yoga aunty visits our Montessori house, she makes us practise this mantra. She tells us that practising this mantra regularly not only improves our concentration skills, but also improves our logical reasoning skills. Though I am really small to understand all the importance of this mantra, I could really feel that there is some importance associated with this mantra, as so many people keep saying this.
I like the feeling, I will experience while chanting and even after chanting this mantra. I feel that I
By the way, are you guys practise this mantra or not? If not, let me warn you that my yoga aunty would come after you and will teach you the importance of this mantra in a much better way than me.
So that’s all folks for today about Omkar – the most sacred sound in Indian Mythology. Happy to be part of the #AtoZChallenge and #BlogChatterA2Z. In the meantime, if you want to read my older articles in A2Z, please click here. Expecting to meet you tomorrow, till, then have a great time.

Very inteesinter post. My parents would chant this mantra during their meditation session. I tried a few times too and it actually transports you to another world
Thank you Vartika. These days, some schools are teaching these benefits early in the childhood itself.
I just recently started familiarizing myself with yoga, and learned about mantras too. Fascinating, especially with the sound of the sun!
The Multicolored Diary
Yes very true Zalka. These findings prove time and again that ancient mythology is all of the facts hidden in the form of stories. That is true for all the mythologies, just not Indian
I do not practice that mantra. There are many mantras in the kundalini yoga I do, but Omkar is not one of them. Happy to find you through AtoZ.
Doesn’t Speak Klingon
Thanks a lot Da Nang for the blog visit and really happy that you loved this post.
Such a fusion of science and mythology. your blog always have something to take away for me.
Do drop by my blog at https://mywordsmywisdomblog.wordpress.com/category/blogchattera2z/
Thank you Ujjwal for your kind words.
Please tell yor Yoga Aunty that I practise Omkar regularly. I loved learning about it’s significance in detail.
Thank you Mayuri. My kid always scares me if I miss my yoga, saying he would call his teacher.
My yoga teacher too made us practice ÓM’ sound during yoga class. I now do it at home by myself. The sound should started from the belly and gradually come to the throat.
Yes true Kalpana. For kids most of the sounds come automatically from belly thats why their yoga teacher didn’t insist on this fact, as the kids would easily get confused then.
So glad you discussed Omkar naad as your post. Yogis believe in a nirbikalpa samadhi, when world becomes one, only Omkar can bring back a sadhak to his mortal level. The primordial sound, Omkar naad, is what yogis meditate upon.
Thank you Abhijit. This is a very simple but powerful tool which the ancient traditions have left us.
That was wonderful
Thank you dear
Another beautiful post! Loved it
Thank you Vidhya.
Yes I do practie Om Mantra while meditating, Sharv has done it amazingly, great habit to inculcate in kids.
Woww! Practicing Yoga at this age! Kudos to you baby 🙂 It definitely helps with concentration and patience.
Thats a nice way to express the post from a childs view…i have seen the sun video before …Did u know that some sections of Hindus have beliefs that ladies should not say Om…. i dont believe it of course and i totally agree with the calmness it produces
Thank you Jayashree for visiting my blog and loving it. Yes, even I heard about this belief.
This is really interesting. I’ve never managed to meditate successfully – my head is like a busy railway station that never sleeps – but I can see how channeling this might help.
Thanks a lot guys for visiting my blog and liking it. Yes, once you start practicing the Omkar, your thoughts would get channelized slowly but steadily
Amazing combination of science and mythology, great work
Thank you dear
Yes I do belive in the power of Mantra and omkar..and i could say confidently that it creates a divine effect on our body.
Thank you Surbhi
No but it is really a good practise, he is doing it well
Thank you dear