I got to see the sunflowers for the first time in my life and my mom got her camera along with her. So she could take some snaps of mine along with the sunflowers..Till date, i never knew that there are such big flowers in my favorite color (Yellow). I had seen few yellow flowers in my garden, but they were all very very small. Those flowers are almost as big as my face and they were soo beautiful. My mom told me that they turn their heads towards the direction of the sun. Isn’t it cute? (Look at the below picture)
After visiting my grand-dad’s place in down hills we went to Tirumala, the city of my friend – Govinda. That place is really cool and it was smelling so nicely. That smell was totally new to me and my dad told me that it was of a flower smell and showed me that flower as well. I couldnt believe it, the flower which gives such a stong smell, was soo small, and its size is smaller than that of my hand. Thats why i call Govinda a creative genius.
My parents cheated me and got my head tonsured. I didnt expect that and all my beautiful hair has gone now, and now they tease me saying that I am a “Gundu Bhai”… Dont you think its cruel of them..but anyways, they are always cool and got me lot of new toys and pampered me because i cried while tonsuring my head. To tell u a secret, tonsuring hair is a cool way to bear this summer heat. Now i am not sweating that much, but i am not telling this to my parents, as i would miss all the new toys. (You guys also please dont tell to my parents) Look at my reaction after seeing the tonsuring head.
I will write more about my Friend – Govinda’s house in the next blog, as my friends came and i have to go out and play cricket with them…