Our aunty at the Montessori house always talks to our kids, about the benefits of waking up early and she also says that it’s good to do some exercise or go for morning walk early in the morning as it has more health benefits it seems.
So I started going for morning walks these days. Dad and I go for the morning walk on our scooter. Now it got you guys wondering, what is this new morning walk on the scooter isn’t it?
Picture Courtsey: Alamay stock photos
Let me explain you my concept first then you can start wondering more or laugh out loud like my dad. I am such a small kid and how can I do such a hard exercise of walking and then get back to my Montessori home to play with my friends? Won’t I get tired if I walk too much early in the morning? That’s the reason why I go for the morning walk sitting on the scooter. My dad would drive the scooter and it’s purely boy’s time in the morning. That means, I can also talk to my aunty and friends, during the circle time about what all I saw and enjoyed in my morning walks. Also, I get to enjoy my private time with dad isn’t it?
Do you all agree to my logic? Or do you want to join my dad and pull my leg saying that I am a lazy boy? Please let me know your thoughts on the same in the comments OK?
Now, coming back to describing how my morning walk would typically – apart from the morning beauty, one get to hear so many sounds and also the early morning air has very distinct smells too. Did you guys ever experienced it? The fresh coffee brewing smell is so awesome and it fills up the entire street near the park. While returning back to my house, we need to pass by a hotel and the smell near that hotel would be of freshly boiling sambar. So it increases my hunger a lot. So I always tell my dad to go in that route only. As I know, my mom would be ready with my breakfast at home.
As soon as we come out of my colony, we can hear the chirpings of various birds and based on their sounds, we can tell whether the spring has come or winter. In winter, we only get to hear the crow sounds. But at the start of the spring, we hear the koel songs as well. At times, we get to hear the sparrow’s sounds too. And in summer it would be of squirrels and crows. But the sparrows would typically come out only in the morning around 10 when all the roads are empty. Dad and me would always try to interpret their sounds and I think I will one day try to learn the bird’s language too.
There is this construction zone near the park where we normally go and I hear those construction uncles banging some thing or fixing something in that new building. I don’t understand why they need to start working so early. The sounds from temple will bring out so much calm and happiness. Also if we go late for the morning walk, which happens on a typical weekend, we get to hear lot of noise from the cars and buses. And all the above smells and sounds, which I had just told will all vanish. Even the lotuses in the nearby ponds would start closing up. That’s why I prefer going in the early morning, when the sun is just entering our world.
Do you guys also go for morning walks? If yes, what do you get to see and observe? Can you please let me know, if your area is nice, then maybe I will come to that area for the walks. If you are not going for the morning walks, then I have to complain to my aunty and she would scold you. So please start going for the walks regularly OK?
This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by Blog Adda
Please click on this link to view my other WOW posts on Blog Adda

nice post
Thank you
Nice post in response to blogadda prompt. But morning walk on a snooty gives morning walk to scooty alone. Being a small kid you should have energy to walk as well as play with your friends.
My son is so lazy to walk, you would have observed it coming from his posts already. Only time he moves himself is for his dancing. 🙂
Dancing is good exercise. Anyway my comment was a lighthearted one.
I was also joking only..don’t worry..I will show your comment and make him move some what.
Nice take on the prompt. I like the way how you have written it on behalf of your son. Great going
Thank you. The USP of my whole blog is looking at the world through my kids eyes. 🙂
Been a long time that I have read you. The site looks fab, your writing has become crisper and the content cracked me up like always.
Thank you Sonia…your comments mean a lot to me
thats a lovely walk, and congrats for the new look. i do go for walk, please ask aunty not to scold haha
lovely walk with kiddo, tell aunty not to scold i go for walk regularly (hehe).
And you are most welcome for a walk with me, it’s a lovely part of earth – let’s go here – https://praguntatwa.wordpress.com/2018/12/09/come-for-a-walk-with-me-in-hills/
Nice place, my kid would love to come there Pr@Gun
Thank you Aditi
I love reading your posts Suhasini. Well done on the walk 🙂
Thank you Sanjota. Sorry for the late reply
Good Post!!! Nice Topic
Thanks for reading and encouragement
Like how people go to gym in a car and then use elevator …
Thank you for reading and encouraging
Haha. That’s a great concept. Morning Walk on a scooter. What an idea, Madam’ji 😀
Even I am in support of a morning walk on a scooty. Fabulous Read!
Thanks for reading and the encouragement