Hey!! I am so happy today you know why? My mommy found out a website, which has lots and lots of sketches and I can use them for my blogs.

I am only good at cutting and pasting or talking. I really don’t like to sit and draw or color. Instead of drawing and coloring, I prefer dancing. So this has become a little stumbling block for my blogs as well, as most of the pictures available on the internet don’t accurately describe my feelings. And I don’t like pictures of some other kids on my blog. That’s the reason why my blog has become really silent post A2Z completion.

Now my mommy found out a new website which has a lot of sketches for every moment in our life. This website is planning to spread happiness through their sketches. Don’t you think its wonderful aid for people like me, who can only talk about the stories but are not able to find the right sketches? I just hope this website would be able to provide me new sketches for my first EBook too. Will you all tell the Abhinav uncle to help me for my Ebook, my dear friends?

Didn’t understand who Abhinav’s uncle is? He is the owner of the new website which my mommy found out. That site name is Happyzozo So now you understood my reason for Happiness, isn’t it? Do you also want to be Happy by spreading the cheer among your friends using the sketches from Happy zozo? Then the process is very simple indeed:

  • Just make your account on Happyzozo by filling an online form on their site.
  • Choose your favorite categories from the thirty categories on the site and start making your sketches.
  • The more you submit, the more you get paid. Isn’t it wonderful?
  • You get paid ₹ 15 per image for the first 100 images and ₹ 30 per image after the count of 100 is crossed.
  • You can even spread this Happiness using your various channels in social media, use them for your blog or forward them to your friends on WhatsApp too.

So now my life became easier, as I can use these wonderful sketches and prepare beautiful craftwork around it and send it to my friends and relatives. So I found my right friend, who can help me in my blogging journey. What about you guys? Do you want to spread this happiness around? Then, join the Happyzozo team immediately like me.