Today, I am going to talk about the Best Archer in Indian Mythology. He is the hero of Mahabharata epic and is one among the five Pandavas. Are you able to guess who he is? Yes, he is none other than Arjuna the great. But wondering why I had picked him for the day where our story should have the F- starting. He is also known as Falguna. That’s the reason.
By the way, Happy Ugadi to you all. Udadi is our Telugu New Year Day and I just ate the
Today, I am going to talk about the Best Archer in Indian Mythology. He is the hero of Mahabharata epic and is one among the five Pandavas. Are you able to guess who he is? Yes, he is none other than Arjuna the great. But wondering why I had picked him for the day where our story should have the F- starting. He is also known as Falguna. That’s the reason.
Introduction to Arjuna the Best Archer:
Arjuna is the second one among the five Pandavas. He is the most skilled person and best archer in Indian Mythology. Arjuna is also the best friend of Krishna and has multiple names. There are multiple reasons, as to why Arjuna was given all these name. Honestly, I don’t remember all those names. But I do remember the Falguna and Savyasachi.
Arjuna is also called as Falguna, as he is born in the Falguna month as per the ancient Hindu calendar. He is also known as Savyasachi, as he can shoot arrows with both his hands simalteneously.
There is this story of Arjuna, which my granddad always narrates me to show what kind of dedication and curiosity we should be having while learning any new skill. Want to listen to that story?
As kids, both Pandavas and Kauravas stayed at guru Drona’s place for their education, as was the custom those days. Guru used to teach all the kids equally how to use all the war weapons. But every kid had their own preferences and likes. That’s a different story for later. Arjuna used to respect his guru a lot and was always devoted to him. That way, he became the favorite student of Drona
Arjuna’s Observation skills :
Drona & Arjuna
One day, Guru Drona has forgotten his top cloth called uttariyam at his house. So he asked Arjuna to go and fetch it for him. While Arjuna was gone, he continued his lesson about the usage of various war weapons. Drona explained to his students that when any war weapon is combined with a powerful mantra, then its power would be multiplied manifold. To show the example, he has picked up a bow and arrow. Reciting a particular mantra, he shot the arrow on to a nearby banyan tree. Then this arrow has gone and pierced a hole on all the leaves of that tree. While reciting this mantra, he wrote it on the sand, so that his students can understand the complete mantra.
In the mean time, as the time to take bath was nearing, guru Drona went to the near by river with all his students. Once when Arjuna returned back to the class, he has seen a single hole on all the leaves of the banyan tree.
Then Arjuna thought, his guru has taught a new skill to his friends. But since he knows his guru’s habits, he looked around in the sand as to what was written down. Once he found the mantra, he learned it by reading it multiple times and used the bow and arrow that’s lying nearby. So now this arrow has also left a second hole in all the leaves.
Once when Guru Drona returned back with his students, he saw the second hole in all the leaves and Arjuna standing nearby. Then he understood that it would be only Arjuna who can do this. So Drona praised Arjuna like anything. Don’t you all agree that Arjuna’s dedication towards acquiring the archery skill is awesome? Read more on him at the following book from Amazon.
What I learnt from Falguna/Arjuna?
- A person needs to have the utmost concentration and dedication while learning a new skill.
- He should also learn by observation, and not always wait for the teacher’s instructions.
- We should always aspire to be the best among the teams.
So this just one story my friends about Falguna, the best archer. Hope you liked it. Please read my earlier articles under Indian Mythology series for #A to Z Challenge here. Will meet you for sure tomorrow, with another letter, till then have fun.
Author’s Note: All the pictures used in this blog are “Free to use” ones from Google, Wikimedia Commons or from Wikipedia only.
Ugadi Shubhakankshalu to you too. I had the Ugadi Pachadi too:)
That Arjun was also called Falguna is something new I learnt today. Really enjoying your posts. Hope you will compile them into an Ebook.
Thank you Mayuri. Ugadi shubhakankshalu to you too. Yes, am planning to infact.
I never knew Arjun is known as Falgun too. Great post
Thank you dear
Happy ugadi to you and your family. I am making my son read your series so that he also knows about all these characters.
Thank you Ujjwal. That’s so sweet of you really to show our stories to your kid
Keep enhancing other’s knowledge. Learnt something new today. Btw personally I feel Eklavya was equally good if not better. Glad that you covered him before Arjuna.
#ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia
Thank you Manas
I like Arjuna. Lord was his charioteer. Arjuna was handsome. He was Draupadi’s favourite. He was an ace archer. But was he the best? I think his older brother, eldest son of Kunit, soota sutra Karna was the best archer. He got a bad deal in life, but never gave up his honest, integrity and dignity.
Thank you Abhijit
Yes agree to your points. Karna and even Ekalavya are supposed to be the best when compared to Arjun but both of them have been put down for some or other reason and all prominence has been given to Arjuna
I am a serious lover of Indian mythology. U have given nice explaination of Arjuna. Awaiting your next post.
Thank you Sweta for visiting and liking my blog
Happy Ugadi! I never knew Arjuna is called as Falguna too. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you dear
Happy Ugadi Suhasini. Never knew that Arjuna was also called Falguna. He is one of my favorite characters from Mahabharata. Loved the post.
Thank you Sonia
Happy Ugadi to you too Suhasini. Lovely mythologocal writings are making me nostalgic ❤️
Thank you Aditi
Happy Ugadhi. And I never knew Arjuna was also known as Falguna. This story was very entertaining and one of the best from you so far. Great going.
Thank you Jay
Happy Ugaadi to you too. We celebrated the festival and had a hearty lunch.
Today I have learnt something new. Arjuna was also called Falguna. I give the example of Arjuna, the Archer to my son for his concentration and determination to achieve the best.
Thank you Kalpana
Another wonderful story!! Loved it
Thank you Vidhya
Very well said Sanjota. I agree to all your points
I was scratching my head to remember who was Falguna. Thanks for writing these wonderful pieces, I’m absolutely loving them.
Thanks a lot Vartika